Thursday, April 30, 2009

On Banks and Bankers and Poop Jobs in the Wrong Place

Blog # 3
Sock From the Easy Chair
Now I am the official blog writer. Maybe I will get paid in that juicy cucumber, which I am denied these days. Things still sombre around the home front. The word bank and bankers are frequently spoken of , at times, followed by the 'b" word.
So I asked Maam what is this banker?. She says "they are people who run banks" ,
so I ask, what do they run it with? She says "other people's money, which is invested with the bank ".
I ask, is this undertaken gratuitously?, she say "no, there is a fee charged to the investor"
I ask, why did you call them the "b" word. She says, "they lost most of our money".
So I say why didn't you keep the money at home?. She says" can't do it because we will loose it to thieves" . I say, theft is punishable under the law, so the bankers will be punished. She says" baby you have a lot to learn, its not so simple, banks don't get punished they get bailed out because they have not broken any laws",
Now I am puzzled, so who gets punished in this case?. She says "the "investor", which means us".
But, Maam how can you say that, In India people attack and burn government and private property when something like this happens, so she says, "yes babe, only we are NRI's, we sort of let the family dog speak for us.
She is joking of course, may be , I hope. Not that I condone such action, I mean writing emails to Head of Customer Service in India, where is that getting us?.
I mean no disrespect, most humans are nice people. Only, why are governments bailing out the banks and not the people whose money was lost in the first place. I get punished if I do my business wrong and this certainly looks like one big poop job in the wrong place to me .
There was one banker who visited here this morning and Maam was most polite to him. These humans
But, I am really worried and I ask if there is enough money left to buy my chicken dinner tonight. Maam says there is and, she will tell me more about banks later.
Sometime, I wish Maam's brother was around. He would have some juicy insights into this whole situation of banks and bankers. Now, there was a man of caustic wit and an enviable je ne sais quoi. The wit, usually had Maam and him screaming from the roof tops, often at the end of a boozy evening. I would sit at their feet and wonder when we were going home. Sahib, always the diplomat at such events, would get us out of the house before it got to the name calling stage. There were times though when he acted too late . That meant we were not meeting again for about 6 months at least. The brother is gone now, we all miss him. I think Maam needs an evening like that again, to get her out of this gloom.
Gosh, there is another flu virus, they call it the swine flu and I read it has nothing to do with the poor pig. First they eat it and now they blame it. I am worried, during the SARS attack, it was rumored that all domestic pets would be put down. What if the panic strikes again? Humans are not stoic in adversity, they run amok looking for someone to blame. Maam says, coming on top of the financial disasters of the past few months, this will be catastrophic.
What a mess. I hinted in my last blog, that the First Dog may be running the planet . Want proof? . I was watching CNN the other day, and there were all these reporters behind a fence, while the adorable looking First Family frolicked with the First Dog. So where do you think the cameras were aimed at ? at the First Dog, but naturally ! Need more evidence, I think not
Time for a nap. Blogging is hard work .