Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Growing Old Without Money

Hey Sockie, long time no blog, brain meltdown is it?.

Maam, you have me confused with the bankers. The meltdown as far as I know was in your bank accounts.

Testy ,are we this day?

Ok , the legs not doing so well, giving out at the knees. I tried jumping from your bed this morning, landed on my hiney. Most painful , can I have something for the pain.

First of all Sockie, you are not allowed on my bed, second of all you are not a human. Pain medications for dogs have to be bought at the vet , who almost always charge a fortune.

Did you know that cleaning you teeth at the vet cost 4 times as much as my own . And the cost of one dog toothpaste would fetch about 6 tubes of human toothpaste.

Well, Maam I did not ask for my teeth to be cleaned . I was fine with my breath. Now I know what Sahib has to go through. Anyway, can I have something for my pain.

Ok, Sockie.

Maam how old am I?

In dog terms maybe 13 years, in human terms 91 years.

So Maam can I have some respect around here as I am the eldest member of the the family now.

Yeah, right!

So Maam, what's happening with the world's economy ? What are the experts saying , I mean the fellows who melted it down in the first place. The news is that all banks have been bailed out with the tax money of the people who lost in the meltdown. And now the governments are asking people to spend more , so that the economy would turn around again and may be Maam your stocks and shares would be worth something again.

Yeah, Sockie that is essentially what they are saying. Only problem is, no one has the money to spend, the banks are not lending, people are losing jobs everywhere and those who have jobs are worried how long they will have them. Credit card companies are not forcing people to apply for cards anymore. Matter of fact they are applying force to recover their cards.

What about the experts then? Oh they are fine , see there is a thing called bonus the banks give out. In reality, that is the profit I should have made on my investments which the experts had predicted I would realize. However, there are things called contracts which have to be honoured . Even if the word honour is synonymous with doing right.

So Maam, why don't the governments bail out the people instead. That way we will all have money to spend and the economy would turn around on its head and everybody will be happy again .

That's smart thinking Sockie. Afraid, can't do.

But, why Maam?

Cause the meltdown experts have not thought of this solution yet.

So Maam , I have to grow old without money .

You would actually be growing older Sockie

So Maam, what about this Jinnah fellow?

What about him Sockie.

Weren't you like around when they parted India?.

Quiet Sockie, no need to give out my age. I wasn't of voting age, but I don't believe anyone got to vote. It was a toss up between Nehru and Jinnah. The way I heard it, that is if one can remember that far back, is that Gandhi offered the post of first PM to Jinnah, that sort of got everyone's knickers in a twist and I remember my mother complaining of all the housework she had to do since being bunged out of her comfortable homeland ie Sind etc etc.

Ok, Maam what about my treat now, I have finished the blog.

Sockie the vet said loose weight, be easy on your knees.

Some other time. Giveme me my treat now.

Go to your basket Sockie!