Saturday, September 19, 2009


Hey Sockie, I sense a chill .

Yessssssss,  Maam, but only towards you.

Why,  so Sock?

Maam, 7 1/2 hours left to guard the Gidwani Snippets, while you went off to attend that meeting with the banker.

Well Sockie, that was kind of in the line of duty, so to speak.

So Maam what happened at this meeting?

 Well, Sockie we all talked , including Sahib. Actually talk is not the word of choice I would call it a debate myself. or the Thesaurus might define it as  the b...........s of all time, or  what do you get when you cross a banker with a lawyer with an academician.

No kidding, Maam.  I thought Sahib only came along as eye candy.  So what did you all say and was the meeting conclusive ?

Well, Sockie what Sahib said had the Sensex moving down  10 points.

So did we pull out this time  Maam ?.

No Sockie the bank did not think it  necessary to inform us. They reckon what's a little more , we may as well lose it all.  But anyway told us that all was well . As for the rest, we agreeed to diagree .

Really Maam, can the bank do that?

Who is to say Sockie, everyman, including the banker , the politician, the congressman, the  delivery man and the baker man says the banks went too far last year. But the banks only said all was well  .

Maam, there is an analogy in history somewhere. Do unto Ceaser ............  Then one day the loyal subjects of Rome got together,  discovered the truth and kind of took Ceaser to task. Maybe the Chinese will  lead the way against the banks, as they do in all else.  Should you not consult the Chinese on this?.   

No Sockie , the Chinese charge too much and the design is usually faulty.

So let me see Maam.  You talked or debated  for 7+ hours and said approximately nothing.  That makes it the most expensive  debate  or B of S,  of all times.

How so Sockie?

That is 50% of Lost Fund Value x 7hours = 7.142%  per hour = 0.199 %per minute . That is 7hrs  X 60 minutes = 420minutes.  Say 50 words per minute =21,000 words  x 7 hours = 147,000 words .

 Maam, if you have a calculator may be we could work  out values in dollars or if you wish in Rupees.

Not the Rupee Sockie, it continues to  devalue .  Last time it was over the Jinnah book, and now it is the Chinese incursions, and by the time we finish converting our losses,  it will be something Shashi Tharoor said.

Maam, could the nice looking Mr. Tharoor  actually ride with the Cattle.  Maybe he ought to discuss it with Sahib first, who knows all about being sent to the doghouse and the cowshed!

Shhhh Sockie too much dirty linen. Was it fun, a day with the Gidwanis? Heard you sort  of disgraced yourself.

Maam the coping mechanism failed from being nervous  .  When I see the Snippets coming towards me it is like a mack truck.  They move as a pair.

Maam I am kind of puzzled. I mean there were three adult human female minders , one of them was a parent, who appeared to be completely controlled by the Snippets. Should it not have been the other way around. And Maam, the Snippets  did pretty much what I do all day long, sleep and eat and then P and Poo and then play and then do it all over again. Maybe you should send the junior Snippet to the next meeting with the bank.  Fewer words, less expense.

And what will he say Sockie?

What he always  says, i want, i want, .......... we could get him to say "I WANT MY MONEY BACK".

Well put Sockie , my sentiment exactly. But,  what would that achieve ?

Maam, I noticed he always gets what he wants from his minders.

Your strategy under consideration,, Sockie.